April 2012 Edition
Special OfferNow you can buy the Quilt Block Sets with or without the quilt blocks being included.
Newest Colors
Limited Edition Color |
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I hope you are all safe and healthy.
The weather here has been very summer-like. I don't think these temperatures are going to last.
Of course, since we had such a mild winter, the bugs are going to be atrocious. Then I have to remember -a mild winter makes for lower heating costs. I guess I will take what I can get.
The birds and critters are out and about. They're great to watch – now if I can keep them out of my flower beds I will be happy. I hang plastic bags around the flowers in the spring to keep the critters away from them while they are young and juicy. It may look odd – but it works. One good thing is that the deer don't like daffodils – so I don't have to worry about them. FYI: deer usually don't bother plants with a milky sap like daffodils.
We have gone back to normal spring weather – back down in the 40's and 50's – instead of the 70's and 80's. My cherry trees are in full bloom and, so far, the freezing temps in the middle of the night, hasn't hurt them. My apple trees on the other hand, are not in full bloom and I'm kind-of worried about that. The apples are a staple for our big deer herd and for the fawns. It is great to see the fawns cavorting around the fallen apples. I sure hope I have them for them this year.
This will not be a big newsletter. Too many office machinery problems and being worried about the computer going down for good.
The main problems with the computer going down is that I can't use some of my old programs with the newer programs – which means learning to do what I do again with all new programs.
Those who got orders in during March got the up-dates for the monthly quilt designs sent in their orders. At the price of stamps, that seemed like the least painful (for us) way of doing it. (I did send the up-dates out by email.) So, if you have an order in during the month – the latest newsletter will be put in the order when it's sent out.
We always need more dealers. Contact me if you're interested.
The first thing that you need to know - you need a sales tax license from your State Treasury Department. These are usually either free or with a small cost. It means that you are in charge of paying your own sales taxes to your state for the sales that you make to your customers. I don't charge you for your state sales tax, so it's up to you to take care of it.
Here is a tip to get more sales. It works!
If you sell paints to your customers, it will pay you to make sure they get a T4673 - Dots transfer. Make sure that they only fill in the paints that they have. What happens is that they want to fill in all the 'dots', so they keep buying paints, as they can, to make sure that happens
Monthly Quilt Club
Now you can buy the Quilt Block Sets with or without the quilt blocks being included. Just add NB after the quilt set.
In November I come out with the last (2) quilt blocks for each set, so you can get them finished and quilted for gifts or the holidays. That means as of November 1st you can buy the whole year's worth of each quilt (not individual quilt blocks), with or without the blocks – only the full quilt.
These come out one quilt block per month and you can order the present month and any that were put out previously. At the end of the year you will have 12 blocks for each quilt. (January blocks will be #01.)
I will put out a painted picture of each new quilt block in the newsletter. Then, I'm going to try something new; I will put the cover page (the one that shows when the transfer is in the plastic bag) in color, also, that way you have not only the chart to know what color goes where - but, also, a colored picture to go by. This should make it easier for you to paint them whether you are in a class situation or sitting in your home by yourself doing them every month.
April Quilt Blocks | ||
Class News
April Seminar
April 19 - Here at Ginger's Cameo (4879 Sylvan Rd. – Manchester, MI)
The monthly workshop that is held here at the Cameo facility in Manchester will be on the third Thursday of the month. I hope to see a lot of you here to learn.
We will be working on the first block of the Hearts 'n Flowers quilt set, and the first block of the Puppies quilt set.
You can do them on a quilt block or you can bring something else to put them on. I will be doing the Hearts 'n Flowers (HnF01) on a long white shirt (so I can do multiple designs on the same shirt) and the Puppies (PUPS01) on a sweatshirt.
Hope to see lots of you here.
Next month we will do the Seed Packs (SEED02) and the horses (Hors02). Seed Packs are easy, just outline and fill-in. The horses I will use to go back to washing in backgrounds with a brush, both wet and dry even though these techniques are not used on the charts for these designs.
In March we will do the Kittens (KIT03) and the Victorian Teddy Bears (VicB03).
When you're working on furry critters remember that short haired critters use short strokes of your tip or brush on the fur and long haired critters use longer strokes with your tip or brush. If you remember this one little rule, your critter will look much more like you want it to look.
You can always put in background, even when it's not called for. For instance, on the puppy designs, putting in a little sky and/or ground, just adds to your design and makes it look better and better.
(See our Current List of Teachers)
Any of you that hold one class or more each month should get your information to me so you can be added to our list.
I’m looking forward to seeing all of you!!!
Paint News
113 Paints to choose from, or make it easy on yourself and get them all in the Ideal Kit.The ballpoint tip nozzle can easily be removed for brush painting. Formulated for fabric painting, these paints are also excellent for painting on other materials (wood, etc.). Ginger's premium quality fabric paint features:
Accessories & Tools
Be sure to visit our accessories page and see all the tools and pens to make fabric painting easier.
With our accessories you to can make professional looking designs and pictures come to life on clothing, table cloths, linens, or most any material.
I have had people that have asked for some ‘accessory kits’. I thought it was a good idea – so here are some Accessory Kits. These will stay in the Line from now on.
C561 – Bottle Kit (for 10 sets of bottles) $9.00
This kit includes bottles, tips and caps and nozzles.
C660 – Ideal Accessory Kit – $85.00
When you buy the Ideal Kit, you get one of all the paints that are in the Line at that point. This is the kit that gives you the rest of what you need. Carrier, racks, Dual Point Pen, Transfer Marker, Fiber Blenders, Tips, and Sandpaper Blotters.
C661 – Small Accessory Kit -$25.00
This gives you a Black and a Brown Dual Point Pen, a Black and a Brown Transfer Marker. Sandpaper Blotters, Tips and a small package of Fiber Blenders.
C662 – Large Accessory Kit -$45.00
This gives you the whole pack of Dual Point Pens, the whole pack of Transfer Markers and the large pack of Fiber Blenders.
Final Words
I’ve been trying to hold down the price on shipping – but now I’m starting to lose money on it and prices are going up at the Post Office starting May 14th. (Prices at other shipping places have already gone up.) The increases they are talking about, on top of what I was already losing, means that starting May 1st, 2007 my shipping prices are going to go up.
- Up to $100.00 retail the price will be $7.25
- $100.01 to $200.00 will be $9.75
- $200.01 to $300.00 will be $11.75
- $300.01 to $400.00 will be $13.75
- $400.01 or more – add $3.00 for each $100.00
Remember that shipping is figured on your retail total before your discount.
If you think I should give you a lower shipping amount on your order because it is a small order, you can call and we might be able to adjust it some. No promises though. I’m not in the business of making money on shipping, but sometimes the small orders are what off-set the big orders.
Well, I guess that's all for this month. Keep that those suggestions coming. I need every one of them. See you at a meeting.
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A monthly paint is a paint that comes out one time. That makes them a limited edition. When they are all sold that is it for that paint. We don't use it in charting the transfer designs. They are paints that can add to your palette of colors and add special colors to your designs.
Blend 601 - Ocean Green