Ginger and John Welcome You to Ginger's Cameo, Manufacturing Home Office of Cameo Paints

Newsletter March 2006


I have been using my time trying to get this class piece together to send out with the newsletter. So the newsletter is late, again. I was going to get everything finished yesterday - but apparently we fried a squirrel at the transformer by our house. I called in that we had no electricity and it took a while for them to figure out where the problem was. It was the transformer right outside our house. For some reason we have our very own transformer. The man said he didn't know why the transformer didn't blow up. That would have been exciting!!! I'm glad it didn't. We haven't figured out how the squirrel managed to do that. I hope the rest of the squirrels are smarter.

I have been using my time trying to get this class piece together to send out with the newsletter. It has taken a lot longer than I expected it to. It's not that it took so long to paint. it took a long time to figure out how to write it down so maybe you could understand it. I realize that a lot of you are out there with no one close to teach you. I thought I would try to set something up so you could try new things on your own. Please, make sure you let me know how this works out. If it works well, I will try to come up with some more of them for you. If it doesn't work well - let me know how I can do it better. I have to rely on you to tell me what to do, so please, do your part and give me some feedback.

Paint 122-Dark Green has been darkened. I have a few of the old ones left for those that have a project started with it. I have had suggestions that the two greens, 121 and 122, were not different enough, the values were too close. Having had the same thought myself, I asked Mysti what she thought. She thought the same thing. So what you get from now on will be in a darker value.

Monthly Quilt Clubs

There are three (3) different sets of quilt blocks. Each set uses a different set of painting techniques.

The Animal Quilt blocks are set up for outline and fill-in. These would be good for beginners. Children would love doing these colorful blocks. I have a couple schools that teach quilting classes to their students (elementary schools). These would be perfect to start a class at your school either during the daytime class times or in the after school latch-key times.

The Flower Face Quilt blocks give you a chance to teach shading and highlighting, how to use the Fiber Blenders to smooth the paints into the material and how to use them to smear the paint together in blending. These have you blending up to 4 or 5 different colors at a time. They, also, let you teach feather stroking as a technique to paint in hair and the fact that using lots of colors in hair actually make it look more real. This is an interesting class for everyone. 4-H groups could use this to make an entry-style project. You could get together with the leaders and teach them to teach, or you could run the classes yourself at their regular monthly meetings.

The Unicorn Quilt blocks take in even more techniques than the other two. The first thing that you teach is how to do a dry wash. You can use a brush or a small piece of rag. Almost everything in these pictures needs to be shadowed and highlighted. You have to use your Fiber Blenders all the time.

Play with these and have fun. You should have fun with them - that way your students will have fun. If everyone has fun, these make nice Projects. People like to have fun while they're learning new things. Remember that and have fun yourself.

If you do these up and show them, people will want to do them. I always find that I don't have to like something for someone else to like it. So paint each one of them and show them to your people.

Animal Quilt Blocks

Flower Face Quilt Blocks

Unicorn Quilt Blocks

AQ01 Animal Quilt Block Pak

FFQ01 Flower Face Quilt Block Pak

UQ01 Unicorn Quilt Block Pak

AQ02 Animal Quilt Block Pak

FFQ02 Flower Face Quilt Block Pak

UQ02 Unicorn Quilt Block Pak

AQ03 Animal Quilt Block Pak

FFQ03 Flower Face Quilt Block Pak

UQ03 Unicorn Quilt Block Pak

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Be sure to visit our accessories page and see all the tools and pens to make fabric painting easier.

With our accessories you to can make professional looking designs and pictures come to life on clothing, table cloths and linens.

The Carriers now hold 60 paints. Terri re-did them a little. They look great! You can still use some of the loops for your accessories, but you can now use them for paints, too. You can get 10 paints per row.

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Monthly Special

The Special for March 2006 is a great Transfer and Paint set

Scene Class Pak I - $10.00

You can also just use the two (2) transfers and the Wallhanging separately for something else.

Maybe you would like the Wallhanging to try putting some other transfers together and making them into a scene.

You can order this special under MSMAR06. That's monthly special for March of 2006.

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Paint News

No New Colors For March

With Over 74 Cameo Paint Colors to choose from your sure to find the right color for your project.

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Transfer News

There are 6 New Transfers this month

As you will notice - the amount of transfers being put out each month has slowed down some. I have been using the time to get the Quilt Block Club pieces done first - then working on new and old transfers - to get them out in the newsletter so you will eventually have everything in color. Soon I hope.

The feather transfer-T4675 (old number T4232) was always something that I figured was good for teaching. There is a couple of ways for you to do it.

You can do it as a silhouette or just an outline on the feather transfer. Good on the back of a western shirt.

You can do it by outline and fill-in. Maybe you could put it on the yoke of a shirt or down the sleeves.

You can cut off the outside edges of the feathers and use it to feather stroke or use a brush. If you cut off the ends of the feathers, you want to feather stroke out from the center. Remember that a feather stroke is just flipping you paint tip. Place your paint tip down on the material solidly and then flip your wrist to make the stroke. Halleen says to look at it like an airplane taking off. It's down solid on the ground - then rises into the air. You can practice this on a piece of paper with a pencil or pen. Some people can flip away from them best and others can flip toward them best. You have to figure out which way is best for you. The only way you get better at this is to keep practicing it. Make yourself do this stroke as much as you can. I have to admit that it makes your wrist tired when you first start using it, but your wrist muscles adapt and get stronger so you can do more and more at a time. After you do the feather strokes either with the tip or with a brush, then you can put a solid stroke down the center to finish the feather. I did this all over a shirt to show different color combinations. My customers thought it looked good.

The new T4673-Paint Dots is for you to paint in with the paints that you own. This lets you see what paints you don't have and how many more paints I will be putting in the Line. Be sure to only paint in the ones that you own, that way you can keep track of what you need. Just put this on a piece of material and keep it with your paints. This will also give you the ability to see what colors you might want to use to change the transfers to if you don't like to do them the way they're charted. You can use the bottom circles to put any old monthly paints (or old colors that you have but that have been changed now).

Don't put the following ones down there since they are being put in the Line in May. No need to waste your dots. Paints coming in May - Country Pink (new), Spring Green (will match), Blue Spruce (will match), Yellow Ochre (will match), Olive and a pumpkin color that is not figured out yet, but will be close to Fall Harvest. We're trying to get a decent line of earth tones. The Country Pink will go with the Country Rose. You can't get them until after May 1st. They will be ready to go for the Spring Workshop. Don't try to order them ahead since they are not mixed yet.

The "Home" (T4666) and the "Traveling" (T4667) are charted different in the transfers that you order regularly. When you order them in the "Scene Class Pak I" they are charted in solid so you can get a totally different look.

Halleen's Painting of Scene Class Pak I

Class Version of Scene Class Pak I

As you can see - Halleen's painting is outline and pull in and the class picture is completely filled in. Also, notice that Halleen did her's on a shirt so it is longer and can be put on so the People are going Home. The class is on a wide piece so the People are going away from Home at the side. (On the class piece you could put the Home transfer a little lower to give it more of a perspective.) I tried to make it look like the People were riding away on a hill to the side and above the Homes.

New Transfers

Transfer T4666 Home

T4666 Home

Transfer T4667 Traveling

T4667 Traveling

Transfer T4672 The Luck O' The Irish

T4672 The Luck O' The Irish

Transfer T4673 Paint Dots

T4673 Paint Dots

Transfer T4674 Spring Is Coming

T4674 Spring Is Coming

T4675 Feathers

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Popular Transfers

Transfer T4455 Hang In There

T4455 Hang In There

Transfer T4166 Having a Crises

T4166 Having a Crises

Transfer T4516 Totem w/Feathers

T4516 Totem w/Feathers

Transfer T4554 Primary Design

T4554 Primary Design

Transfer T4529 Shaded Roses

T4529 Shaded Roses

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Fabric News

From Jersey T-Shirts to Purposed Linens and Bulk Fabric, Let your artistic side have some fun decorating your Home, Friends and Family. All here at Ginger's Cameo

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Monthly Class

There will be Five (5) Workshops in March

Let me know if you will be coming to any of these so that I WILL HAVE ENOUGH SUPPLIES to teach and to fill your orders and let the hostesses know how many to expect.

March Schedule is as Follows:

These workshops are open to everyone. If you don't use them, you will lose them. We cancelled two last month because no one but the hostess was going to be there. These workshops are for individuals, 4-H, Scouts, anyone that wants to come and learn or just come to pick up supplies. These are, also, a good place to come and see all the new things and set up your own workshops.

The Jackson area workshop is right off M50 just west of Napoleon. It's easy to get to and my sister always serves something to eat.

The Temperance area workshop is right in Temperance. This is good for folks that came to the Monroe Fair and all the 4-H clubs in the area. Diane always has a good desert and coffee and nibbles.

The Home Facility workshop is just 7 miles off I94 and since it is at the Office you can get anything you need. I try to remember to get nibbles for the meeting. The Holly area workshop is good for all those folks near Flint. Dee always has coffee on.

If the weather turns wintry and we have to call the workshop off - just call me and find out the new date. It will usually be within the next week or two after the original date.

Register Now for Spring Workshop
May 6th 2006

Here's some idea of what happens at a workshop.

This is the Winter Workshop on the first Saturday of November in 2005. We had food, fun and lots of learning from each other and the teacher of the moment.

Halleen was one of the teachers. She taught the Seven Santas Christmas Tree Skirt class. And of course everyone learned lots from her by asking questions and seeing what she was doing with other people.

Folks brought things to show and share with the rest of us.

All in all it was a great day.

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What Our Friends Are Doing

Show us some of Your Work

We would love to show our readers what you've done with Cameo Paints. Send us [email protected] or [email protected] some of your pictures and be sure to tell us about them and yourself.

See some of our past reader submissions in the Gallery

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Final Words

Just a couple more things to go over and I'll let your eyes rest up a little. The Spring Workshop is here on May 6, 2006. I have no idea what all we will be teaching. We have a couple of ideas. I know Halleen will be teaching one class and of course she already has it all figured out. I'm just not able to figure things quite that far in advance on classes.

I do know that we will be coming out with six (6) paints at that time. I figure if I put out six (6) in May and six (6) in November that will give you twelve new paints in the Line for the year. That way you won't miss the monthly paints. We can chart with these paints because they will actually be in the Line. Good thinking, huh? Registration will be $25.00 just like regular and bring a dish to pass. Be sure to bring things to show and share.

For those of you that are French speaking, I have ordered some translation software. I don't know how well it will work, but let me know if you would like the newsletters in French and I will attempt it after I get the software in.

Okay, that's all for now.

I hope you all like what we're doing. Keep those suggestions and complaints coming. They are what make the Company what you want it to be. Rest your eyes for now, I'll write more next month.

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Copyright Gingers Cameo 2003 ©

Page Updated 4-2-2006