Well, I guess Fall is officially here for the year 2006. Michigan just had 'frost/freeze' warnings for the whole state. The Upper Peninsula has had frost and freezing weather before now. In talking to a lot of you I have heard that your temperatures have finally started going down and it has started raining. That sounds really good.
I'm supposed to have guys and gals coming in to put half the new roof on the future Cameo Facility. The lumber yard only had half the supplies, so we're going to do one half this weekend and the other half next weekend. Once it's dry in there we can get the insulation in and the ceiling, walls and flooring. It's actually going to start moving again. WHEEEE!!
Be sure to check it out. The icon is right under the header when you bring up the home page for Gingerscameo.com. All you have to do is hit it and a menu will come up so you can change the whole web site over to the language that you're used to. Go down where it says translate a web page - my web page is listed - then use the drop down arrow to find the language you need - then hit translate. I was really geeked when Lori (my Girl Friday) told me about it. She showed it to Razz (the Web Master) and he put it in. It's a free program so it was a hit with all of us. I hope you all have fun with it. I have.
The computer is acting just fine so far. Now that I have started the newsletter - I hope it holds. It should.
Next month I will be putting out a November/December newsletter. I figure that those of you that are making the quilts for presents for the up-coming holidays need to have the last two in November so you will have time to get them sewn together and quilted.
That will give me time to get the January newsletter figured out so I can tell you what will be coming up in the new year.
There will be some changes for next year, but nothing really drastic. For one thing the monthly quilt blocks will be on the same page as the monthly transfers. Once I figured out that I was just wasting paper the way I was doing it this year - I felt that it was too late to change it. Face it - I'm a slow learner.
Now for a thing that I'm going to discontinue - the 10" round blotters. I will still be selling the 10"x12" rectangular blotters. You will be able to cut your own round blotters from those. You can just draw around the one that you are going to discontinue using and cut it out with scissors. When I run out of what I have, that will be it.
A suggestion from another crafty person (Rose Cloakey) on making a Grandmother's Shirt - she calls it "Grandma's Shining Stars". Use the Stars transfer (T4536) and each star has a child's name in it. Sounds great!! Thanks for sharing Rose!
The more you know - the more you sell. The more your customers know - the more they buy. It's a good situation for everyone.
I am going to run two (2) monthly specials for the month of October. These are for those that like to get things done ahead and those doing craft shows.
Special #1 is - 1 Small Christmas Tree Skirt (P1224) + all four (4) of the new Christmas transfer designs (T4700-T4701-T4702-T4703 + a Sandpaper Blotter. The retail price on this is $27.30 and the sale price is $24.00. Order this under the number MSOCT06-1.
Special #2 - 1 Large Christmas Tree Skirt (P1225) + all four (4) of the new Christmas transfer designs (T4700-T4701-T4702-T4703) + a Sandpaper Blotter. The retail price on this is $37.30 and the sale price is $33.00. Order this under the number MSOCT0-2
Carried over for the month of October also. The monthly Special for September 2006 Transfer T4515 - Borders. This transfer is great for pillow cases, tablecloths, shirts, skirts, aprons, you name it and you can probably find a use for some part of this transfer on it.
We'll put the Transfer (T4515) + a set of pillow cases (P1595) + a Primary Kit (K004) in all together to give you a great all around gift or a way to get started on your own. This would be a great class to get a bunch of new folks started painting.
Retail price is $34.10.Sale price is $30.00. You will be saving $4.10. You can order this special, for the month of September 2006, under the number MSSEPT06.
The Animal Quilt blocks are set up for outline and fill-in. These would be good for beginners. Children would love doing these colorful blocks. I have a couple schools that teach quilting classes to their students (elementary schools). These would be perfect to start a class at your school either during the daytime class times or in the after school latch-key times.
The Flower Face Quilt blocks give you a chance to teach shading and highlighting, how to use the Fiber Blenders to smooth the paints into the material and how to use them to smear the paint together in blending. These have you blending up to 4 or 5 different colors at a time. They, also, let you teach feather stroking as a technique to paint in hair and the fact that using lots of colors in hair actually make it look more real. This is an interesting class for everyone. 4-H groups could use this to make an entry-style project. You could get together with the leaders and teach them to teach, or you could run the classes yourself at their regular monthly meetings.
For those of you that are doing the Flower Face designs, I have a hint on their faces and make-up. Paint the entire face with the base color (105) and then do the lips. When you get done blending the colors of the lips together - use that same blending tool to blush a little of those colors on the cheeks. You don't want too much color and if you use your blending tool while the paint is still damp on it, it has just about the right amount of color to look like her blush. If you get too much on - just go back over it with the 105 to dull it down a little bit.
This is, also, when you put in the shadow color around her chin and on her nose.
The Unicorn Quilt blocks take in even more techniques than the other two. The first thing that you teach is how to do a dry wash. You can use a brush or a small piece of rag. Almost everything in these pictures needs to be shadowed and highlighted. You have to use your Fiber Blenders all the time.
Wait for the base paint to dry before you use your Dual Point pen. These are used on the Flower Faces and the Unicorns. Do the base painting - then make sure the paint is dry before you use your Dual Point Pens. This keeps the Dual Point Pens from bleeding out on the perma press and keeps you from ruining your pen nib by getting wet paint on it.
It has been really interesting to see how these are going over. Every month more and more people are doing them. As they decide on doing another Set - they order all the previous Sets That they need to do the whole quilt. So every month I have people buying #1, #2, #3 and now they will be getting #4. It's very gratifying to see these go out in such large quantities.
I spend a lot of time just being amazed as I am packing orders to go out the door at how wonderful you all are.
I have gotten comments on the little hints that I put in each month. I'll keep trying to come up with new things to teach and things to teach about.
I have to say, again, how happy I am with the Fiber Blenders. As I sit down to paint up the newest transfers each month, I love using them because they are just the right size and shape to smooth and blend the paintings that I am doing.
When you smooth the first layer of paint into the material, you are giving yourself a nice even layer to put on your shading and highlights. Don't forget to do that - it makes everything much simpler.
AQ10 Animal Quilt Block Pak |
FFQ10 Flower Face Quilt Block Pak |
UQ10 Unicorn Quilt Block Pak |
The Carriers now hold 60 paints. Terri re-did them a little. They look great! You can still use some of the loops for your accessories, but you can now use them for paints, too. You can get 10 paints per row.
Please mark your catalogs to show that the C453 - Black Ultra Fine Line Pen - is no longer in the Line. I have sold out of them. I still have the Green (C456), the Red (C457) and the Blue (C458). When they are gone I will no longer carry them in the catalog. If you or your customers want these pens - be sure to order them soon.
T4699 Rounded Letters |
T4700 Christmas 1 |
T4701 Christmas 2 |
T4702 Christmas 3 |
T4703 Christmas 4 |
T4704 What Holiday |
T4365 Dragon |
T4448 Fall Leaves |
T4511 Parrots |
We will be doing the Haunted House transfer (T4704 - What Holiday?) You can do it on a sweatshirt, t-shirt, mini flag (P322) or large white tote bag (P1492). I will have all of these on hand for you to buy. Try to let me know if you're going to be there so I will have enough of everything to go around.
It's just a fun class to have done for the Halloween Holiday Season.
I hope to see a lot of you there.
You can, also, get your registrations in for the Winter Workshop at that time if you haven't already gotten them in.
Be sure to bring your paints and Fiber Blenders. Cost of the class will be $15.00.
Where: At the Ginger's Cameo facility in Manchester, MI
Time: Classes start at 9:00 AM (Continental Breakfast - homemade cinnamon rolls - 8:00 AM)
Door prize drawings on the hour
Registration: $25.00 (includes some supplies)
Bring: A dish to pass (people decided that was the safest thing to do - since I don't cook.)
Ideas and painted items to share.
A complete set of paints - Fiber Blenders - Scissors
Be sure to bring extra money or your checkbook or your credit card - there will be a blow-out sale on sweatshirts - both colored and white. They will be $5.00 each or $20.00 for five (5). These are in all sizes, including children's.
I have some other things that will be for sale - old Cameo items like the loose glitter and other things that you might be interested in.
There will, also, be colored t-shirts for sale at $2.00 each. (Lots of different sizes)
Classes: We will be working on a Snowman Tablecloth (P1221). This tablecloth can be used as a center piece on a rectangular table or a regular tablecloth on a round table. This tablecloth can be used all winter.
We will be learning how to layout multiple transfers and painting them into a whole scene.
Open-tip and 'rag painting' on a holiday ornament.
String painting. A great way to do a really unusual design. You're going to have a lot of fun with this. It will be messy though.
Making your own Color Wheel.
When you're ironing off transfers, make sure that you don't iron off too many ahead. The transfer ink fades with time and you may have trouble seeing the transfer lines. If you do iron off a few ahead you should keep them covered up so the light doesn't get to them. This does not mean that if you iron a transfer on wrong that you can wait for it to fade away then put it back on. It does not fade all the way away, it just fades to the point that you can't see to paint it.
When you are painting a transfer that has two parts that are the same color right next to each other, try putting a line of a darker color between them to bring out the design. On the new T4689-Cave Nativity, Joseph's robes could use a streak of 111 Wine to delineate where one part stops and the other part ends. If you look on the picture around his shoulders you will see what I mean.
Sometimes, like on T4696 or T4486, you have two sections right next to each other that are charted 116-Black. If you leave a little line of unpainted material show between the sections, it will make them show up as different parts of the transfer. The other thing that you can do is to make a line of a lighter color between the two sections.
Most of the time any mistake that you make in this craft can be fixed: You can add shadows to cover up the fact that you got double lines when you ironed a transfer on - or you can add a little flower or leaf to cover up where you went out of the lines or got some paint in the wrong place. I know there are a lot of perfectionists out there - but believe me when I say that you should not throw away something just because you think you made a mistake. You can fix it and it will look fine. It may not look just like what you see in the transfer picture - but you just remember that 'artistic license' means that it is your painting and it will look different than anyone else's. This is a good thing. You don't want your painting to look just like everyone else's, you want to make it your own with your own ideas and personality.
Now get out there and have FUN painting!!!
The only fair entries I got this year were from Jan Smyth. Thanks for sharing Jan.
Jan enters her items in the Fowlerville Fair and the Michigan State Fair.
Here's another suggestion. This one is from Halleen Fisk. If you are going to be doing a transfer on darker material - try going over the lines with your transfer Marker (C528) before you iron it on. That way the lines are darker and easier to see.
We would love to show our readers what you've done with Cameo Paints. Send us [email protected] or [email protected] some of your pictures and be sure to tell us about them and yourself.
See some of our past reader submissions in the Gallery
I want to remind everyone that I close down the Company for a week surrounding the Labor Day Holiday. I take that time to go see my Mom and my other relatives down south. Just want to make sure you remember to order ahead at that time, or expect your orders to be late coming back to you. We'll leave early on the first of September and open back up on the 11th of September.
The rest of the year we're just pretty much here. If we leave, it's only for a day or so, so we can get the orders out in a timely fashion.
Well, I guess that's all for this month. Keep that those suggestions coming. I need every one of them. See you at a meeting.
Copyright Gingers Cameo 2003 © |
Page Updated 10-03-2006 |